
A few things I've found inspiring recently:

Silent Poem

Check out my kid singing Mr. Cellophane in her school talent show a few years ago. Check out her DeviantArt site.

Mr. Cellophane

We love to hike at Mission Trails Regional Park. Want to see a 3-D animation of the area? My husband created these from topo maps using Bryce 3D.


MTRP hike

Hermann Hesse wrote It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is. You can learn about yourself and others with the Keirsey Temperament Sorter or by looking into enneagram.

Kauai flower

Here are some zen-ish sites I like:


Some poems I like to read:



If you ever enjoyed Northern Exposure, these quotes will remind you of the quirky characters. Another site posts quotes from seasons One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six. Northern Exposure
I graduated from Coronado High School in Scottsdale, AZ. A classmate has created a nifty alumni site.



Some of my friends have business sites: